How to lose weight and stay slim

March 19, 2017

It is a hard choice when deciding on the best method to choose if you are considering losing weight.Losing weight and staying slim can be difficult.There are too many weight loss programmes and styles, some are healthy and easy to follow, others are unhealthy and unrealistic, however, each one promises great results. It is important to understand that what works for you might nor work for others and what works for others might be extremely difficult for you to adjust to.  Dieting should be a way of life, not just a programme to follow. Healthy living should be part of you. If you want to lose weight and stay slim, you must consider the impact your chosen method would have on you and your general well being. Every diet aims to change your eating habit and way of living. It is no surprise to see people backsliding after they started a dieting programme. The relapse is as a result of many factors one of which is the lack of true understanding and control.

Below are few methods of dieting, there are tens of different weight loss programmes, but, I am only going to discuss a couple. We will also explore the pros and cons of each one.


This is physical activity. It aims to burn fat and make your body stronger and improve health. It is very good for weight loss and general fitness.It reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, it costs less and nearly everyone can jump on it to help with weight loss.


Fasting is popularly known to be a religious culture. However, hundreds of people are taking advantage of fasting without any religious undertone. Fasting detoxifies the body, burns fat and strengthen your immune system. It is a well-known fact that fasting results in weight loss, but, if done wrongly it might cause more harm than good to your body.

*Calorie Counting

A calorie is the amount of energy in your body and the amount of energy you get from the food you eat and what you drink. When you eat, your body makes use of what you fed it and store up some for later use. An unused calorie is stored up in your body and turn to fat. If you eat more calorie than you can burn, you will gain weight.  This is where calories counting step in, it is a method of counting how much calories are in your food, how much is recommended and how much you can reduce to lose weight.  A lot of people rely on calorie counting has a method of weight loss.


Tea has been scientifically proven to contain antioxidants that are good for the body and helps good maintain a healthy lifestyle. Antioxidants are packed with vitamins and free radicals good for body maintenance. Tea can actually help you lose the stubborn abdominal fat.It is good to know that not all teas are slimming teas, most slimming teas are laxatives and they rob you of essential vitamins and mineral your body needs.You will end you visiting the loo many times.This method of weight loss is dangerous to health. Knowing what tea is good for aiding weight loss is more mandatory if you are considering this method.


More and more people are opting for surgery to lose weight nowadays. This involves medical procedure and it is usually performed under general anaesthetic. There are different types of surgeries design for weight loss, each one depends on personal needs and they include liposuction, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band and biliopancreatic diversion just to mention a few. Surgical removal procedure cost money and it comes with its own risk according to NHS Choices.

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