How to raise children without smacking

Family Time

How do you raise your child without smacking? I know it is hard to disciple a child who does not listen or yield to anything you say, but, before I go into how to raise your child without smacking; I need to draw you back to your child as a baby. Your child kickstarts his development through your eyes, he learnt to identify your voice, your body language and your expressions.You, in turn, knew when he was happy, sad, hungry, silly or playful, but, as your baby grows, he started exploring and experimenting, he started learning from people around, he learns to relate, have friends and defend himself sometimes. Along the line, something changed through what he observes and learnt. This is where you as a parent step in, smacking might, however, make him stop what you disliked for a while, it is never the best way.
Here are a few things to do instead of smacking.

1. Make a list of house rules.
Children like rules and love to follow the regulations especially when you involve your child in drawing out the rules of your house. It is never late to have a meeting with your child and have a discussion on what is acceptable and what is not. The rules can be anything, (for instance no screaming, no shouting, no stamping of feet, tidy up etc) If your child can write, let him or her be the Note-Taker at the meeting. Set the rules and discuss consequences of not sticking to the rules. Make this fun and be firm at the same time. Let your child know that you meant business. Stick the rules up where your child can see and take it as it goes. (more…)

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10 Habits to ditch as an adult and what to do about them

Of course, age is nothing, but, a bunch of numbers. However, I am such you will agree with me that there are expectations that come with age. Everyone expect a certain degree of sensibility when dealing with people in every spare of life. It is not sufficient to just age with grace or be wrinkle free at a certain age, there are more to maturity, there are more to experiences and there are more to the title “adult”.

Below are some of the habits that are not worthy of praises. There are few suggestions on how to ditch some of them or professional help available. (more…)

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