I Did Not Choose The Skin I Was Born In

Image of author’s niece

I came from a culture that treats visitors with respect. We give foreigners in my home country the opportunities to strive. However, I was deluded, absolved with this notion that such practise was common in every part of the world. Oblivious of the fact that every man has his rules.

Within a few weeks in England, I made a new friend. Jessica was the window into which I viewed the new world I found myself a decade and a half years ago. She introduced me to the world of food, culture and literature of Great Britain. I became conversant with this new world within weeks of meeting my friend. I felt at home and saw the beauty and ingenuity of British culture.


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The Choices We Made

We’ve all made choices in life. Some were influenced by forces around us, some out of sheer curiosities. Some of the choices would have been made by chance or ways of conforming to norms. Whatever decision you must have made, you had the ability and the preference to choose.

Our entire life is made up of an infinite amount of decisions. The choice, such as what to eat or what to wear to a particular occasion are small and slightly impactful, but, life-changing decisions are tough to make.


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