My Referencing Points.

Photo by Beth Tate on Unsplash

On the 1st of April 2017, I started my cold water bath journey. I had been reading about the cold water therapy and its benefits weeks before this date and I was taken by its praises. Ordinarily, bathing with cold water wasn’t my thing. Who on earth gives up the comfort of a warm bath for cold spanking?

As I read about bathing with cold water, I imagined taking up this gruesome challenge. For me, it wasn’t for the benefits. No. It was to build a step to mount on. Something to refer to. A referencing point of a thing.


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How to make Homemade Vapour Rub.

 Vapour rub is known to cure congestion. It is good for cold, pains and stuffiness. It reduces coughs and eases headaches.However, the shop-bought vapour rub contains nothing, but, the waste product of petroleum and unnatural nasties.

Making homemade vapour rub is not only good, it is free from chemicals and residues.It is what you put in that makes all the difference. Using natural oils, wax and essential oils cannot be compared with waste product sticky jelly only fit for dumping ground. (more…)

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