Barley in healthy tomato sauce

I am using barley in this recipe due to its amazing benefits.Barley contains a high level of potassium, calcium, and magnesium which help decrease blood pressure naturally. Including barley in your diet help maintain blood pressure.

Barley is a good alternative to rice and white bread. It is packed with nutrients that not only aid weight loss but also help in maintaining bone health, heart health, inflammation, and digestion.

Barley contains selenium, this is a kind of mineral which is not present in most foods. Selenium plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps detoxify some cancer-causing compounds in our body. Selenium prevents inflammation, it also decreases tumour growth rate and helps our immune system fight infection by stimulating cells to combat infections.


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Am I fit enough?


I have never been to the gym, neither have I been to any fitness class. I know the importance of fitness. I fall into a class of women who think they are doing enough at home. I go to work. I do the chores at home and I am practically on my feet from the moment I wake up till I go to bed. I have some exercise routine in place which I follow and sometimes ( due to my tight schedule) I forget about. I think I am active and fit for my age.
Seeing people jogging past every day makes me think about my fitness. Am I fit enough? Why can’t I join a gym or at least start some sort of more-physical-challenging-exercise? Do I call myself fit judging from a number of chores I do indoor?   I cannot call myself fat and I do watch what I eat, are these not enough fitness?

These are the questions I cannot find answers for. I, therefore, decided to go for a fitness test. My fitness tests do not require any equipment and here they are for you to try.

MileBrisk walk a mile: Taking a brisk walk or run for a mile is a great way to check your fitness level. Walking is good cardiovascular exercise, it can slow the aging process. For you to know if you are fit enough, you should be able to run a mile in 8 minutes, the younger you are, the faster you will be. If you are brisk walking, you should cover a mile in 15 minutes or less.  Now test your fitness level and time yourself. (more…)

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Healthy Mozzarella bread pizza

My daughter invented this recipe and since it’s invention we have included it in the family meal, it is not only easy to prepare, it tastes good and fulfilling . I used mozzarella cheese and different vegetables. You can decide to use any cheese or vegetables of your choice.

I chose mozzarella because it is very low in fat in comparison with other cheeses. It contains vitamins and protein, it is made from milk, therefore, it is a dairy product which provides important nutrients.

Mozzarella contains biotin, vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin. All these are soluble vitamins (which means our body use the vitamins without storing them up). Mozerella supplies our body with immediate nutrition which is used up as soon as it gets in our systems. (more…)

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