My Shameful Little Steal

“Sheri!!!”, I stopped as I heard my aunt screamed my name. Something told me she had seen the little bag of rice and a bottle of oil I kept in the bag covered up in rumbles behind the door. I ran down the flight of stairs with gripping fear ready to be dragged through the rabit hole.

In my aunt’s hands was the bag containing the food I intended to take with me as I came to the end of my weekend stay. It was on a Sunday, my returning-home day. The ground sank under my feet while my aunt expected some explanation on her finds.


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My Aunt in; My Mind’s Eyes

My parents had many distant relatives most of whom I couldn’t trace their lineage on our family tree. There were quite a large number of aunties, uncles, cousins we couldn’t really fit into the picture. To us they were family and it had to stay that way.

I was around 8 when a distant elderly cousin of my dad visited. She lived with her daughter in a different part of the country. She stayed for a few days, however, she asked my parents if I could come with her to spend the rest of the summer holiday with her grandchildren when she was ready to leave.


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My Plummeting Confidence.

My confidence did not just plummet and disappear into the faraway, it gradually diminished with worries, doubts and what not. I was not the type of person who could shake the ground with their speech or turn heads in astonishment when spoken. No, I was not.

In myself, I could gentle crept upon a person and made a presence. In my little circus, I was present, my opinionsĀ mattered, I was someone, a little force to reckoned with.

I was sure of what I knew, I could walk up to people without thinking of their views about me. I felt the world under my feet. I radiated confidence. Taking up challenges was seen as part of life and I had a grip over any that surfaced. (more…)

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