25 ways to bring out your playful side.

Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we lost the act of playing. The act that saw us through the formation period of our lives. Playing is not just essential for growth, it is an integral part of life. While playing is important for a child’s development, it is also an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults as well.

As we grow, we often forget how to play and when we eventually carve out some leisure time, we found joy staring at the screen of our TV and computer set. We fool our brain to think we are having fun. We gossip and comment other than engaging in proper fun. (more…)

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A Portion of My Life

I peeped out of the window and watched as the rain dropped. Each drop competing for a place to land. The ground was wet with glittering sparks reflecting the content of its surrounding.

I watched in amazement. The beauty of such weather could not be put into words. The calmness rain brings. The snuggles and the wetness and its abundance.

It has become part of me to stare at falling drops of rain. I love this experience. Rainfall is personal to me. To my childhood. To my siblings. This experience always brings with it a hint of sadness, a drag to the path of my childhood I do not like to remember. (more…)

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The confession of my little boy

I cannot remember what the discussion was about, but, I remember my son saying ” Linsey is the favourite in my class, she sits very nicely and reads very well, the teachers like her”.

Pretending I was not paying full attention, I asked nonchalantly, “What about you?”. He continued fiddling with his toys and said, ” I can’t sit as she sits, I get bored and I don’t read as good as she does”.

With this, I gave him a big hug and explained to him how special he is to me and how amazing he is at the things he is good at.

My son is six and he is the most intelligent boy I ever met. The truth is he is not bookish, he does not enjoy writing and you have to remind him of his school homework. He gets bored easily when he is in a classroom setting. He reads because it is part of the family tradition and this routine has taught him to relate to books differently. He has great mathematical skills and that’s all about school stuff. (more…)

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