How to lose weight the right way.

Calories counting needs a bit of arithmetic, some people find it easy to adjust to while other just couldn’t get hang of it. I would not be going fully into what to eat or not what to eat. However, to lose extra fat you need determination. You need to be determined to set a GOAL and work to ACHIEVE the GOAL set. You also need a TIME scale.

Before you consider embarking on any weight loss journey, think about these three words GOAL, ACHIEVE and TIME. Ask yourself what the GOAL of the journey you want to embark on is all about.You need to be determined enough to set your GOALS and ACHIEVE the goals. The TIME required is personal and the amount of work you put in will determine the result.

What you need to do. (more…)

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Grilled plantain with sunny-side eggs

I have a special relationship with plantain,not because it is a fruit (Yes, it is a fruit),but,it has been an item of food that demands little but offers so much.

Plantains are a great source of potassium. Plantains are ranked among one of the most potassium-rich foods in the world.

Plantain maintains a healthy digestive system as well as boost the immune system. It is enriched with Vitamins C and has a reduced number of free radicals, unlike other foods.

Plantain contains magnesium and Vitamins B6 which aids healthy brain functions.

Plantain is also high-fibre food which helps you satisfied for longer. Plantains are the food to keep if you want to sustain a healthy weight gain.

Plantains are low in fat with a solid source of carbohydrates. They do not only taste good, they have loads of health benefits.

In this recipe, I experimented with roasted/grilled plantain and eggs. This recipe gives you so much in less time. It is healthy and ideal to keep on your weight loss journey. (more…)

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Fat burning foods


There are foods that help with fat burning, so if you are looking to burn some fat while enjoying and indulging; here are some foods to consider and why.

Chicken breast is low in fat and very low in calories. It fills you up quickly and it releases energy slowly. Chicken is an alternative to meat.  Chicken is a great source of protein, it is lean meat and very low in fat. Chicken tastes great and it is easily digested. One of the greatest benefits of chicken is the fact that it can prevent arthritis and other diseases. It is rich in substances that aid strong healthy bones and teeth in our body. (more…)

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